Holy Covenant UMC          
Submit a Prayer Request Stewardship of Prayer emphasis & offerings
This prayer request will be shared with our team of trained intercessors.

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Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to bring your request before God.

Prayer is a personal priority for many of us and we could not go on without it. Here are a number of ways that we make prayer a priority:

o       We host an on-site prayer room where people pray.

o        We provide an online prayer Web site Where thousands of prayer requests have been submitted and prayed for by intercessors.

o        Prayer groups regularly pray for the church, community and world.

o       Dozens of folks knit prayer shawls that are given to persons in crisis.

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Holy Covenant UMC - 2024
Online Prayer Request Management System powered by www.iprayerworks.com (Version 10.9.3132020)